Sunday, November 13, 2011

I'm still here!

Hi to all,

Yes, I am still here and doing well. I am unable to view my last post so I don't know where to begin.

First, I forgot how to get back here to post. I've tried for several months without success. I'm not actually sure what I did to get here tonight.

As for me I am participating in a new drug study. I can't remember the same of the drug or class of drug. It is administered to me IV. The drug company requires I follow their protocol. I often have blood drawn, have EKG's and Urinalyses and MRI's done. (I am still testing the safety of this drug).

On the brighter side, I have a granddaughter. She will be a year old in January. She is beautiful, brilliant and even sometimes a little bratish. lol. She's wonderful!!!!!

Her name is Samantha. She has blue eyes, blondish, curly hair, fair complected and the sweetist smile you have ever seen.

I just love her to death! She and her Mom make me so happy. They spent a month with me about a month ago. It was heaven but I was completely exhausted!

This site is sending me a red message stating they could not contact. so i may loose this message.

I feel I am holding my own in this war with EOAD. Yes, I have declined, but just a little.

I hope and pray all of you are well and happy.

Oh, I had to put Mom's cat(Jonsey) to sleep last week. She became very ill and could not hold anything down. My vet thought it was time. She was very old. It was very, very sad! Dad & I cried a lot!

I still have white dog but orange cat stays with my sister now. She has 4 other cats. Her husband is very sweet!

My Dad was ill for a while but is finally getting better. He had a terrible UTI and then he had problems walking. He's almost back to normal. Yea!!

He will be 90 in February!

The holidays are upon us. I will be here for Thanksgiving with Dad, Linda and Michael. I will leave for Aimee's the Monday after Thanksgiving.

Peace be with all of you,

Please, write me if you have any comments. I'd love to hear from all of you.

I will post again soon (I hope).



  1. Hi, So nice to get an update from you! I hope you will write down the instructions so you won't forget. Glad to hear you are holding steady. Please give everyone a hug for me.

  2. Thanks for not giving up on me.
