Saturday, November 21, 2009

It's Saturday again!

Wow, Time flies when you're having fun!! lol (not really)

What a week! I've been in high gear getting ready for Aimee & Eric & Turtle to come this evening! Val and I have been busting our butts getting things organized!

Michael arrived safely last yesterday afternoon (Thank God). Now phase 2 begins. Unloading their trailer. We have hired some high school/college boys to do the heavy work so Michael can just supervise. Michael looks pretty tired these days so I'm hoping he'll just supervise!!

Everyone here is OK. I'm pretty exhausted but VERY excited the kids will be arriving this evening for the Thanksgiving holidays.

Hope all of you are well. Thanks so much for reading this! Any input is greatly appreciated!

Peace and Hope,



  1. Im so glad that everyone is safe. Make sure that all Michael does is supervise. Dont let him lift anything. Hes done more than enough already.

  2. Lisa,

    Glad things are working out well for you and the family. Big hug to you and Aimee. Happy Thanksgiving!

    Michael M,
    Alz Association Chicago

  3. Thanks you guys and Happy Thanksgiving!
