Tuesday, November 3, 2009

It's Tuesday and it's November already!

Hi to All.

Well, My sister Linda and her hubby Michael arrived safely Sunday pm ( and the 4 kitties)! Thank God their all safe!! It was a long hard ride for them but now it's over.

I had put a roast in the crock pot that morning so that night they'd have a home-cooked meal. Well, it came out ok and at least is was hot!

Everyone was pretty exhausted Monday but we were all happy to be together! We visited, cooked and napped!

I'm still not sleeping well at night so I am taking naps almost daily now.

Linda and I brought Michael to the airport today. He flew back to New Jersey to finish packing up the house. He's going to be a busy bee for the next couple of weeks!! (He's such a great guy). He'll return a week or so before Thanksgiving.

Linda and the kitties were sad to see Michael go.(Me too). Linda and I went shopping today to get a few things for her house and my new apartment. I was a bit confused and Linda wandered off ( as usual). It was fun but rushed and then I was very tired. Had to come home and sleep.

Aimee and Eric are doing well and are busy working. Turtle is fine too. I can't wait to see them at Thanksgiving!!!

Jamey and her family are doing fine. Julie and Barbara made to back to Texas safely and are doing well.

I look around this apartment and it's so strange here! But, I am so very happy to have my sister home again. It's weird to see her in MY old house but I guess I'll just have to get used to it!

Mom and Dad seem to be happy Linda is here. Mom seems more weak and frail. I think Dad was happy to see another male (Michael).

My friends Lisa and Rich are doing well. The cancer is gone!! Yes!

Haven't seen Alexis in weeks now. I guess being 13 is pretty rough and busy. I do miss her!

White dog and orange cat are here with me. Orange cat is having a rough time adjusting to our new place but hopefully in time, he will adapt too!

Since I've moved, I only sleep 3-4 hours at a time. Please, now pray for me a sleep a full night. I need the rest.

Thank you all for all your wonderful thoughts and prayers! They are working!

Peace and Hope,



  1. Hi LCC,

    Wonderful, wonderful, wonderful.

    I'm so very pleased for you. I can feel your glee in your words. Wonderful.

  2. Lisa, From Chicago I am following your blog. Glad your sister and BIL have arrived. This will be a happy new change! I hope you all settle in quickly.

    Michael M, Alz Association

  3. Lisa it is great to "hear" the joy in your words. I pray for you most every night. May sleep come easy and stay all night.

    Maybe there is a NEW tradition you can start with your family each week to have something to look forward to. Sunday "Pot roast" any one?

  4. Lisa, You sound happy, I'm glad. Prayers going up so you can sleep through the night.
    Pot roast sounds good, I think I'll make it tomorrow.

  5. Thanks to All of you for your thoughts and prayers. They must be helping. I slept 5 hours straight last night!!! It's a new record!!!
