Tuesday, May 26, 2009

I still get regular sick.

Today I realized I'm still like most people. I get sick like everyone else. I have a nasty cold and a case of bronchitis. Have been sick for about 5 days. I finally had to call my doctor for antibiotics. Yuk! Also, I was sitting on the sofa and all of a sudden I had to go to sleep. Do not pass go, do not collect $200. I slept for about 2 hours, then my sister, who is visiting me, woke me up (thank goodness). I woke up rather confused!

Tomorrow I go to Baton Rouge to testify at the Public Hearing on Dementia Training Rules. I truly believe in this so sick or not I must go and say my piece.

I'm going to try to go to bed early tonight. I hope I have a seroquel night.


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