Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Tuesday Dec. 15th, 2009

Hi to All,

Yes, it's Tuesday and I'm fighting the blues. I don't know what's wrong? I just feel myself getting lower & lower. I'm actually becoming less social too. I can watch TV a little bit but not too much as it irritates me immensely. I do some things around the house. Most people irritate me,

I don't have a stereo anymore so I can't really listen to music.

I should be happy. Linda & Michael have moved home. I have seen Aimee several times in the last few months (which is unusual, great but unusual) but often I find myself tearing up and I don't know why. I guess this demon inside me is causing the sadness?! It causes so many unpleasant feelings! I still have some rageful anger too. That's pretty scary!
What happened to happiness??? I don't know where it's gone. I pray for peace and sanity. Where are my prayers going these days??

I know I'm declining because things are getting harder and harder. I hope I am getting the real study medication and not the placebo. I'm needing all the help I can get!!

Aimee & Eric & Turtle are coming in next week for Christmas. I am excited about that. I hope I can shake the blues soon!

What's wrong with me?????

Peace and Hope,



  1. There is a song called "One Day at a Time" that has come to mind as I read this for perhaps more than six times. It is simple but beautiful. If you can Google it, it would be worth the time.

    Some times it seems God is not listening, but in my darkest hour I have found Him quietly holding me. Sven (forum) has experienced this. Us control types have a difficult time letting go of the reins of life.

    I and others are praying for you Lisa.

  2. Wishing you and your family a very merry xamas.

