Friday, February 19, 2010

It's Friday and Mom's still in the hospital.

Hello to All,

Well, just a short update on Mom and the fam. Yes, Mom's still in the hospital. All of her doctors have seen her (thank God). They have taken her off all her Alz meds and BP meds. They started a new BP med yesterday. She had a UTI so they have given her Iv antibiotics, and fluids and volume a expander (albumin). She's had blood tests, holtor monitor and an echocardiogram.

Mom is eating and drinking very little and continues to loose weight. Her BP's are still dropping significantly when she sits and stands (although she has NOT fainted in the hospital). She did get out of bed with PT yesterday and walked a few steps but today her BP was too low and unsafe for her to do any walking. She is still on a cardiac monitor.

I'm not sure if they will ever figure out exactly what the problem is and how to fix it. Mom's getting very exhausted being in the hospital. She wants to come home. I just wanted a thorough evaluation for Mom to see if we could get her a better quality of life. She's very unhappy with her quality of life as it is now and I don't blame her! She deserves better!

We are all fairly exhausted here taking turns at the hospital taking care of Mom.

Thanks for listening and caring.

Peace and Hope,


Tuesday, February 16, 2010

It's Mardi Gras and Mom's in the hospital.

Hi to All,

Just a brief update. As I have said, we had a bad weekend with Mom with so many syncopal spells. She was having to stay in bed.

Yesterday, I called the Home Health nurse to come visit Mom and see what she thought.
After we had called Mom's pcp (office closed) then the cardiologist she convinced Mom to go to the ER. Soooooo, we called for the ambulance around 3ish in the afternoon. We arrived at the ER around 3:30p, waited in the hallway again, then finally put in a room in the ER. Saw ER doctor, ordered tests. Mom did have very orthostatic blood pressures there but did not faint. The found she had a UTI. They have her iv fluids and an iv antibiotic. We finally got a room in the hospital around 3am. Poor Mom. It was such an ordeal. I was exhausted!

Dad's up there with her today. Her regular doctors are off (because of Mardi Gras) and so other doctors are seeing her.

Linda is supposed to relieve Dad for a while then I guess I'll go back again this evening.

Thanks for listening. I'll update you when I can.

Peace and Hope,


Sunday, February 14, 2010

It's Valentine's Day!

Hi to All,

I guess I should start by wishing everyone a Happy Valentine's Day!

Our home hasn't been very happy in several days now. Mom has taken a turn for the worse and it's taken all of us to care for her. She's been having multiple fainting spells, blood pressure problems and more incontinence. She has and is refusing to allow us to dial 911 and have her brought to the er. She understands that she may die with one of these "spells" but still refuses the ER. I love and respect my Mother so I will not go against her wishes. She has a Living Will, Advanced Directives and a signed DNR. As hard as it is, I must respect her wishes.

I've spoken with my Dad, Sister & BIL and we've decided to get Hospice Care for Mom. She needs more care at home. Hospice is great with comfort, Palliative care. We all want Mom as comfortable and happy as she can be.

It's been a rather sad weekend, especially for my Dad. He's really having a hard time. My Mom & Dad have been married for 61 years come this May 21st. They truly don't know how to be apart.

I hope and pray that whatever time Mom has left will be of good quality and that when her time comes, she will go peacefully.

Thanks for listening.

Peace and Hope,


Wednesday, February 10, 2010


Hi to All,

Yes, the New Orleans Saints Won Superbowl 44!! Yeaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!

The family was together. We hooped and hollered and celebrated! We finished strong! Victory at last!

Oh yeah, update. Well, Aimee & Eric went home on Tuesday. Julie & Bob went home Monday. Now, all is back to normal, well, not exactly normal. Mom's not doing well. She's had several syncopal (fainting) spells since Friday, fell and hit her head on, well, I can't remember which day that happened, she's been dizzy and nauseated (giving her meds for that), in general, weak like a kitten!!! Refused to go to the ER. Ahhhhhhhhhhh! It's so sad!!

She's has a doctor's appointment with her Pcp tomorrow. Let's hope he can help figure out what's going on. (I doubt it because he is a jerk, but we'll see). Linda and Dad are supposed to take Mom tomorrow.

I have and EOAD support group meeting tomorrow at noon. Then a Peer Volunteer meeting (phone meeting from 2-3pm).

I had an appointment with the Nurse Practitioner Lynn (neurology) on Monday. She seems to think I've stabilized now and don't need to see my neurologist for 3 months! Yes, that sounds good to me. The only decline I feel is in the visual/spatial area so I have been driving a lot less.

Linda & Michael seem fine. They are a tremendous help!!! They really help keep the stress off of me!! They do more with Mom than I do now.

Winston had an allergy flair this week. I took him to the vet. He gave him a shot and some new meds. Simon is having a hard time with Linda's 4 cats. She leaves the door open between she & Mom's house to let the cats roam (she calls it letting them go to Disneyland) on both sides. It's ok except it's hard on Winston and Simon because we have to close the doggy door and every door so the 4 cats can't escape'!!
It doesn't allow Simon & Winston to go in and out which is what they were used to doing.

The Saints' parade was last night. We didn't go but watched it on TV! Is was great.

Mardi Gras is this Tuesday so we'll we dealing with parades from now through Fat Tuesday!

Hope Everyone is well.

Peace and Hope,


Friday, February 5, 2010

Feb.5th, 2010 It's Dad's Birthday!

Hi to All,

Well, my Dad turned 88 today! Wow, I can't believe it. Neither can he. He told me, "I didn't plan to live this long." Well Dad, I'm so glad you did!

Today he & I went to the grocery. He drove (because I was having a bad day). Gosh, I got sooooo confused in the grocery. Had a hard time finding the things I wanted to buy. It was kinda crowded and just too much! Ahhhhhhhhhhhh! I hate days like this! They scare me because I'm afraid I'll stay that way. Confused and frightened!

While we were leaving the grocery, Linda called and said Mom had another syncopal episode (fainting spell) when Julie brought her back from the hair dresser. They finally called Michael and they revived her with a popper (smelling salts). Linda said she was out for only about 5 minutes this time. It's been much longer in the past. Believe me, it's always scary!

When Dad & I got home, we checked on Mom then we brought in our groceries. I'm glad Michael was there because he helped me carry my stuff upstairs. He's so great!

I think Linda went next door to calm down. Julie helped Dad put groceries away. Later, she left. I think she was pretty shaken up about Mom. Poor Julie, I hope she's ok. Bob is coming to join her tonight.

Aimee & Eric are on the road now to see us. They're coming for the Superbowl! GO SAINTS!!! We'll watch the game with Dad. He'll love having the fam together for Superbowl!

We plan to celebrate Dad's birthday tomorrow. Everyone will be here, He'll really enjoy that!

We have Mardi Gras parades tonight here. It's gonna get crazy between Superbowl and Mardi Gras!!

Peace and Hope,


Monday, February 1, 2010

A new Month/ February 2010

Hi to All,

Mom has been feeling dizzy for the last couple of days. Not sure what the cause is. Her Bp's have been fairly stable. Historically, she's had bouts of meneurres disease (sorry about the spelling). I think this is what this is but I'm not sure.
Mom asked Linda to call her PCP to see if he would give her medication for it. She used to take antivert. I don't know what the doctor will do if anything! I can't stand him!! Linda speaks with him now (although I did have to speak with him when Mom was in the hospital).

Hope he sends her some antivert!!

Well, let's see. Linda & Michael are OK. They are trying to find new doctors down here.

Aimee & Eric are doing well and are planning to come in this weekend for the Superbowl. Wow, I can't wait! The Saints in the Superbowl! YeeHa! I can't wait to see Aimee & Eric!!

Julie is coming in tomorrow for a few days. We have tickets to see Momma Mia Wednesday night. Hope Gloria can still stay with Mom that night.

Jamey and her family are doing OK. I think Adam & Shanna are going to the Superbowl in Miami! Lucky dogs!

Dad's 88th birthday is Friday! Wow, I can't believe it. We'll wait and celebrate when the kids come in on Saturday.

My friend Lisa's daughter Samantha is going to be 18 on Wednesday. Gosh, I was there when she was born. She's a lovely girl now. How time does fly by sometimes.

Alexis will be 14 on Feb. 23rd! OMG, I remember when she was a little girl of 4!! She's growing up soooooooo fast that it scares me!! I love her so much!!

Me, I guess I'm doing OK. Saw my therapist today. She's working with me to accept this Alzheimer's disease a little better. I was talking with her today and I said I was stupid for forgetting something again. She said that was a negative thing to say about myself and that it was the Alzheimer's making me forget. She said "Don't blame it on yourself, blame it on the AD." And, of course, she's right but sometimes I still do FEEL stupid!

I've had many challenges in my life that I have had to overcome. And done so pretty successfully. I can't seem to accept the fact that I can't fight this disease the way I've fought other things in my life. The therapist is trying to help me not fight so much because it doesn't really help. It just makes me furious!!!!

She's trying to help me accept this disease a little better and have more peace.

Orange cat & white dog are here with me now. Both are doing well and are very comforting. I was looking at some pictures today and I came across a picture of Aimee and Rudy. Rudy was the little Yorkie that Rusty and I rescued a few years ago. I miss Rudy a lot sometimes. Rusty took Rudy when he left because I couldn't afford to keep the three animals. Rusty was supposed to take white dog but his new girlfriend didn't like Winston but would take Rudy. So, Rusty is such an A hole that I can't see Rudy!!
I hate him for that! And, for a lot of other reasons. I don't like using the hate word because it's so terrible. But, that is how I feel about him now. I do pray God will eventually take this hate away. Perhaps in time??

I go to my drug study tomorrow so wish me luck. I sure hope I'm getting the real drug and not the placebo!!

Peace and Hope,