Friday, February 19, 2010

It's Friday and Mom's still in the hospital.

Hello to All,

Well, just a short update on Mom and the fam. Yes, Mom's still in the hospital. All of her doctors have seen her (thank God). They have taken her off all her Alz meds and BP meds. They started a new BP med yesterday. She had a UTI so they have given her Iv antibiotics, and fluids and volume a expander (albumin). She's had blood tests, holtor monitor and an echocardiogram.

Mom is eating and drinking very little and continues to loose weight. Her BP's are still dropping significantly when she sits and stands (although she has NOT fainted in the hospital). She did get out of bed with PT yesterday and walked a few steps but today her BP was too low and unsafe for her to do any walking. She is still on a cardiac monitor.

I'm not sure if they will ever figure out exactly what the problem is and how to fix it. Mom's getting very exhausted being in the hospital. She wants to come home. I just wanted a thorough evaluation for Mom to see if we could get her a better quality of life. She's very unhappy with her quality of life as it is now and I don't blame her! She deserves better!

We are all fairly exhausted here taking turns at the hospital taking care of Mom.

Thanks for listening and caring.

Peace and Hope,



  1. Sounds like what my mom used to go throw. She was always falling and light headed. It usually turned out to be either dehydrated or low Sodium. At there age to much water can flush all the sodium out of there system so the doc. told me to start having her drink gatorade alot. That seemed to help. When I can get her to drink.Good luck.

  2. Thanks for sharing, Karen. They have given Mom some fluids and volume expanders but she's still not drinking very much. It's hard to get her to do anything she doesn't want to do!

  3. It is Friday again and I am concerned it has been a week. You are in our prayers for your mother. You have touched many people's lives. May others touch your life. john
