Wednesday, March 31, 2010

The House of crazy!


Sorry I haven't written in a while but everything has been pretty crazy here. I don't know how to explain it. It's never calm in this triplex! There's always several things going on at the same time. It's either phones ringing, doorbells ringing, nursing visits, cna visits, packages being delivered, the sitter (Gloria) comes and goes at different times now because her husband has been sick and needing wound care, Dad comes and goes in and out as well as Michael.

It's never one thing at a times but several things going on simultaneously!! Ahhhhhhhhh!!

Linda has needed some down time because of her dental work, Dad can't stand to stay in the house too long. He constantly has errands to run to get away!

I feel sorry for my Dad because he just can't handle being a caregiver. He'll do almost anything to escape from this house. Poor thing, I know he is having a rough time.

Mom had another syncopal (fainting spell) last night in the bathroom. She was totally unresponsive and at times stopped breathing. Dad & I were in there with Mom but neither one of us could handle her being limp. So, I had to call Linda & Michael to help. She was out for about 10 minutes or more. Finally we got her back in bed. She was wiped out but did wake up. We put her oxygen on and let her rest. Later, we changed her and got her ready for bed. Whew, it was a long night. It's always kinda scary because we all know one day she's not going to come back from one of these spells.

Linda and Michael are doing OK but I think they are both really tired. Being a caregiver is HARD work!!

Aimee & Eric visited a week or so ago. It was great to see them. Especially my Aims, I get soooooo lonesome for her sometimes.

Saw Keith a couple of days ago. He's ok.

And, had lunch with Kendal today. She picked me up and we had a wonderful time together.

Bad news, my friend Elena, has resigned her position at the Alzheimer's Assn. I am Very sad about this. It is a great loss to the Louisiana AD Assn as well as to me! I've cried a lot about this. The AD Assn is no longer going to have and EOAD/YOAD support group! OMG, this is terrible. We had 2 meetings per month. We all looked forward to the meetings. We all will miss that!!

I am kinda stable these days. I thank God for that. I truly don't want to become a burden to my family. I have a feeling I must be on the real study drug and not the placebo because I am doing OK and because my eyelashes are turning white as are my eyebrows. Yes, it looks strange but what can I do? Even make-up doesn't always help. The doctor is not sure what is going on but he is checking into it.

Well, It's late and I'm very tired.

Thank you all for listening and caring and sharing!

Peace and Hope,



  1. Happy Easter to you LCC and your family.

    Lots of luv from Australia

  2. Hi no 1 daughter, Happy Easter to you and yours!

  3. "The AD Assn is no longer going to have and EOAD/YOAD support group! OMG, this is terrible."

    Support groups are so important. Perhaps you can initiate a new group and invite the old members. In MA the Pleasantries Adult Day Services hosts support groups, as do some of the assisted living organizations.


  4. Very scary for you when your mom was in the bathroom. I know how your dads feels. I too want to run away all the time. Been there done that. I hope you all have a good Easter and God Bless. So glad your med. is working. Your white eye lashes and brows look very pretty I bet.

  5. Thanks Dave and Karen. I need all the help I can get.
    My white eye lashes and brows just disappear because no one can see them.
    I do plan to try to start a new support group.
