Thursday, September 24, 2009

It's Thursday and I think I'm recovering.

Hi to All,

Wow, it Thursday already. This has been a crazy week for me! I'm still fighting this virus, saw my Pcp, neurologist, and new therapist all this week along with attending my EOAD support group today! Whew, now I know why I'm so tired! lol.

I didn't have any fever today so I think I'm over the hump with this virus thing! Still have a pretty bad cough, though. (It's always something, right?)

Mom and Dad seemed to have managed well without me which is really good to know. Dad's pretty tired but he and Gloria did great with Mom! And, even Mom helped by trying to keep walking!! Did, I tell you, my Mom is walking again!! Yea! She's erect (well, sort of) and walking with assistance!! I'm thrilled!! (Maybe I need to get sick more often, huh?!)

Have been talking with Aimee and Linda daily. Aimee's finally feeling better. And Linda is busy being a good neighbor and trying to get ready to move.

Jamey and her family are doing OK although Sarah told Jamey she was in her business too much! Wow, that really ticked me off! Jamey is a wonderful grandmother and is always taking care of those kids. Sarah and Adam have some nerve talking to her like that. Jamey is coming to visit Sunday and to go to court with me on Tuesday. I can't wait to see her. We always have fun together.

Aimee and Eric and Turtle are coming in next Weekend for Memory Walk!! I can't wait to see all of them. I am as anxious as a child! We'll have great fun and help raise money for Alzheimer's Research! Oh, and I'll cook them some crayfish etouffee!!!!! yum! ( I hope I remember how to cook it! lol!)

Saw a new therapist this week. I think it's going to be a good match! I'll be able to vent to her and tell her things I can't even share with my family!! Hope this will help more with my anger.

Spoke with Lynn today the Nurse Practioner with my neurologist (Lynn's great), I have declined. Anyway, I've decided to wean off my Geodon/Risperadol, then change my antidepressant and get more therapy to help
control my rage/anger.
Please, keep me in your thoughts and prayers. With all these changes, I'm not sure what's going to happen!

Still doing my Peer Volunteer work and enjoying it. We will begin training some new PV's tomorrow to help out. The AD Message Boards are growing (thank goodness) and we need more help! Also, working on our upcoming Memory Walk here in New Orleans on Oct. 3rd!!! If anyone wants to donate my team is called "Carbo's Family and Friends"

Hope everyone is doing well. Thanks for listening and sharing and caring!!

Peace and Hope,


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