Wednesday, September 30, 2009

"Countdown to Aimee"

Hi to All,

I'm counting the days until Aimee and Eric arrive. Today is Wednesday. Aimee arrives on Friday evening!! Two more days! Yea! I can't wait!!!

I went to the therapist today. She's working with me on trying to find meds to help with the anger. We discussed Cymbalta instead of Lexapro and perhaps adding Abilify. I don't know the cost of these drugs, so I'll check with the shrink on Monday.

She's, also, trying to help we accept the "New Me." The me with dementia. The me that is no longer me or the me I once knew and loved. Another loss!! I'm having problems accepting all these losses. I think once I no longer realize what's going on it might not be so bad. But now, I'm still with it enough to witness and feel my own decline! It's frightening and maddening at the same time!!

Each day becomes more difficult. I have been a fighter all my life. It's very hard trying to figure out what I should battle and what I should just let go of. And, this "new me" well, she sucks in my opinion! Finding a balance is very difficult along with still caring for my Mom.

After I came home from therapy, I checked on Mom & Dad, ate a salad and went to sleep. I was exhausted! I slept almost 2 hours! I guess therapy is still hard work! lol.

Jamey is still sick poor thing. Aimee cleaned her house today and exercised! yea, Aimee. Linda & Michael are still trying to pack and get ready to move.

Dad seems to be more tired lately. I'm not surprised because he does more care now and he's getting older.

I'm still looking forward to our Memory Walk this Saturday! I hope you have great weather and a good turn out!

Sleep Well All,

Peace and Hope,



  1. Lets hear it for count downs. 3 - 2- -1 They are here! Great to hear you are being evaluated for new meds. Careful driving the new trike.
