Friday, August 21, 2009

It's Friday before the storm

Hi. It's Friday night already. The calm before the storm. The storm being my garage sale tomorrow morning. Wow, I've been working really hard (my back is killing me)! Keith and I picked up the tables yesterday. I've been pulling out and sorting things until I can't see straight anymore.

The Alzheimer's Assn of Greater New Orleans had their Memory Walk kick off party this evening from 5 - 8pm. I went and volunteered. It was nice. (Our Memory Walk is on Sat. Oct. 3rd.) There was a fair amount of people there. I wish there were more. We can't seem to get the word out about how devastating Alzheimer's disease is and how it will bankrupt Medicare within the next 10 years or so. Just treating Alzheimer's disease alone will bankrupt Medicare! That doesn't count all the other diseases and illnesses! That doesn't seem to frighten many people but it sure scares the hell out of me!!

It was harder to be social tonight. I would have preferred to just sit and be alone. But, when you volunteer, you need to help. So I did.

Mom was kind of a mess today. She woke up late, weak and confused. She had several incontinent episodes including one a few minutes b4 I came home from the AD party. Dad looked so upset and tired that I went ahead and cleaned Mom up and changed her. That was the third time today and Gloria was here this am!

I spoke with a guy tonight who is a producer at one of the TV stations here. I requested that he do some Alzheimer Ads without people with gray hair! I'm so tired of ALL the AD commercials showing only much older people! I asked him, "What about us, people like me?" " Why don't we get any representation??? The public needs to know about US too!!!" He said he'd check into it. (What else could he say)?

I kinda feel like Taxation without Representation!! WHAT ABOUT ALL OF US (about 600,000) WITH EARLY/YOUNG ONSET ALZHEIMER'S DISEASE????? I guess I need to get off my soapbox now. I'm just tired. As usual.

I'm waiting for Keith. He's going to spend the night here so we can get up bright and early and set up this garage sale.

Wish me Luck!!

Peace, Hope and Good Sleep,


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