Sunday, July 12, 2009

A mixed Day (again).

Saturday was a crazy morning in taking care of Mom. But Saturday afternoon and evening was delightful!

Alexis and I spent the afternoon and evening together. She even spent the night! Yes! We had a great time. First, we talked and spent time together alone. Then, We went to have her charm put on her bracelet. Then Pizza and salad at Tower of Pizza (where you can watch them make and toss your pizza (delicious). Then, we came home to watch Harry Potter movies! We watched "Goblet of Fire". Then we made brownies. Then we watched "The Order of the Phoenix." Well, actually, we started the movie but I fell asleep on the sofa! Apparently, she tried to wake me but I went back to sleep and she had gone to bed! I woke up at 7:00am on the sofa! Ahhhhhh!

Got up, Alexis was sleeping. Did my morning ADLS and made coffee. Knew Dad was with Mom so no hurry today. Checked a couple of times but both Mom and Dad were still asleep. Later, Mom and Dad got up but apparently Mom had had a bad night with several accidents including wetting the bed! Dad looked exhausted so I took over.

Got Mom in her chair. Gave her coke and water and am meds. Successful, good! Had made brownies last night so offered Mom a brownie which she happily ate! Then, I stripped their bed to wash the sheets! Later, Mom had another accident. Got her cleaned up and she took a nap in her chair. (she refused to go to bed).

Dad had gone to a play with one of my cousins. I couldn't get a sitter for Mom.
One of the times I checked on Mom I found her face down on the floor!! Ahhhhhhh! I was shocked because I had just checked her about 10 minutes b4 that and she was fine. Luckily, I had Alexis to help me get Mom up off the floor! (Mom said she had gotten up to use the bsc, forget anyone was there and fell. She even forgot the emergency button that hangs around her neck!). Thank God, just wasn't hurt badly although she had hit her head and her ear on the left side. I iced the area !!

What a day! Some good, some bad! A very mixed day!

Well, It's 11:20pm and I am very tired.

Peace and Hope,


  1. Oh, wow....when I read posts like this one, I easily stop feeling sorry for myself, because you're doing it all and I've got the nursing home to help me (for what that's worth, LOL)

    It sounds like you're doing a great job...I was just telling DH today, that even though the Alzheimer's seems like a more protracted suffering than say, a heart attack, I was glad I've had this time to spend with my mom and the memories that I never would have had otherwise. But when I'm in the midst of the emotion, I'm not too sure.

    You're doing great, and I'm glad you had a good night with Alexis too.


  2. Carol, thanks for sharing. Yes, Alexis and I had a great time. I love her so!
