Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Tuesday night

I don't know what or where I went wrong today. I woke up angry and it lasted until now. In fact, I'm still a little angry!

Woke up this am. Dad had forgotten to open the door between the apartments (again). So, I jumped out of bed to open the door and check on Mom! Luckily, Mom was OK. So, I rushed to brush my teeth and do AM adls. Then, I remembered I forgot to unlock the back door for Gloria. Ran and did that. Made coffee. Keith was up already. He had gone upstairs to straighten up. Then, Gloria arrived! Shortly after that, Mom woke up. Reminded Mom and Gloria of MRI appt today @ 11:00am. Gave Mom her AM meds.

Went back home. Took care of white dog and orange cat. Then, Julie called saying she and Barbara were only about 10 minutes away. (Wow, I forgot Julie and Barbara were driving in from Texas today). Drank my coffee and waited for them to arrive. Julie always arrives bearing baked goodies and lots of crap! lol. Went to take my bath/shower to get ready to take Mom.

I woke up a little confused today as I didn't go to bed until after 2 am. That's the way it is sometimes. Some nights I can go to be normally and get some sleep others are not so good. Last night was one of those nights! I wake up feeling grump and angry like Scrooge "Bah, humbug!"

I really hate waking up feeling that way. Every little thing annoys me! The demon seems to grow inside me as the day wears on. This demon can become big and bad!!

Gloria and I got Mom in the car and off to EJGH we went. Gloria was able to get Mom out of the car and into the facility. I went to park the car. Came in. Signed Mom in. Then, it started...... the paperwork! AAhhhh!!!! It is absolutely ridiculous how much paperwork goes along with having one test! Filling out all the paperwork took me 30 minutes! Then, I was told it wouldn't be long. Well, we waited and waited. Mom was very uncomfortable and complaining. I asked "how much longer?" (we had already waited an hour), I was told "15 more minutes." Mom was tired and very impatient. We waited about a half hour more then the tech finally took Mom. The test only took about 20 minutes.

On the way home, I went thru the drivethrough @ Wendys as Mom loves burgers. Placed the order, lots of rather goofy, unmannered girls took the order and gave us our food. Mom was hungry (good, she loves burgers). Arrived home right before a thunderstorm only to find out the Wendys had screwed up the order and I had to go back!!!!! AAAAhhhhhhhhh!!!!

Gave Mom, Gloria and Keith their food and drove back to Wendys in the rain! Now, I was not a happy camper by this time. Parked the car and went in to see the manager. Asked to speak with the manager. This young girl said she was the manager (which I doubted) but told her the problems with the order and showed her my receipt. She looked confused and flustered! But, not once did she say "I'm sorry" or "I'm sorry we made these mistakes." She proceeded to try to understand what the problems were stating "Oh yes, she remembered the order and had filled it herself!" More commotion occurred until an older woman comes to the counter and I see SHE is the manager. I again have to repeat my story (and she doesn't get it either). But again, not once did she apologize for the problems!!! Ok, I'll cut to the chase, she finally fixed me a new order but even then she didn't say she was sorry. I told her "Ya know, if I was the manager here, the first thing I would have done was apologize to the customer!" She said "Well, I did that" and I replied "Oh no ma'am, no one has apologized to me!" Then, I left. At that point the heavens had opened and I got drenched!

Finally arrived home. Checked on Mom and she and Gloria were fine. At that point I was starving! Ate my burger and tried to chill out a bit. Keith and I went upstairs because he wanted to show me what he had done. He had organized things and cleaned it up. It looked good. Then Julie and Barbara returned from lunch and errand running. (Now,I'm still angry from this morning and from the Wendy's episode). Lots of commotion going on! I decided to bring Keith home.

Winston and I took Keith home. Lots of terrible traffic (including a bad accident not mine) and finally I returned home. Julie was sleeping on the love seat. I opened the door between the apartments and it looked like Dad, Barbara and Mom were asleep. So, I decided to lay down on my sofa. Then, of course, my phone starts ringing and ringing. I decided not to answer and fell asleep. The phone began ringing again. Then, Julie's cell phone started ringing! We blew that off but a while later more calls so I just got up! AAhhhhh! I just needed a nap!

Julie and Barbara were up getting ready to go out to dinner. I passed on that. Went to check on Mom and Dad and they had already eaten. Thank God!!!
I fed my animals ate ate a bowl of cereal. Later, Julie and Barbara came back from dinner and we talked a while. I know they are used to watching TV but I just couldn't handle it right then. Later, they watched a little TV and I tried to do some Peer Volunteer work which I couldn't do much of. I couldn't handle the noise of the television!

Well, to make a long story longer, here I am. Everyone has gone to bed. I am finally winding down (even though I was tired, so go figure?). I think I am finally ready to go to bed. What a day!!!

Thanks for listening.


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