Thursday, June 25, 2009

A Crazy Thursday! Again!

Hi again, Sorry I hit the send button by mistake and don't know how to edit! lol.

Woke up this morning around 8:00am, checked on Mom. No, she's not in the bed, no, she's not on the bcs, no, she's not in the bathroom, Oh NO, she's on the floor!!!
Poor Mom had gotten up to use the bsc and was unable to make it back into the bed! Luckily, she was OK. Finally, got her up and back into bed to rest a while. Checked her over, she seemed OK. It's a miracle! Many falls, no serious injuries (Thank You God). (My back doctor had said I had to stop doing this but, hey, what do I do? Leave Mom on the floor?? I don't think so!)
Went to do my morning ADLS and lets animals out and fed them. Went back to Mom's. Got her out of bed and into transport chair. Did AM ADLS, gave her am meds and wheeled her to her recliner. Coke and Water were ready! She seemed OK. She made sense, could move all extremities, no headache, I think she'll be OK!

Made coffee milk, visited with Mom. My sister called. Then, Aimee called. Gloria arrived shortly before 9:00am, gave her a quick report. Went back next door to bathe/shower to get ready for the day.

Went to Modern Flooring to pick new floors for upstairs apartment that I will moving to. Then, went to AD Assn for EOAD Support group. Enjoyed support group. Then, on to doctor's appointment. Saw a new Neurologist today who specializes in migraines. She wad good but spoke quickly. Reminded her on several occasions that I have EOAD. She said, "Yes, I know" but continued firing questions at me and was confused by the fact that I either couldn't answer or asked her to repeat the questions (She's young and doesn't understand EOAD) but seems to know a lot about migraine headaches. After the physical, she started my careplan. She talked so fast I couldn't keep up. I had forgotten my journal/my bible that I carry with me to write things down in (I felt lost). I told her this and she gave me a piece of paper to write on. She kept talking fast and I kept asking her to repeat things. We finally got things straight. I asked not to take narcotic pain meds as they tend to make me a little crazy now. So, I was to have blood work, MRI, keep a headache journal, increase Namenda to 10mg in am and 20mg in pm for 1 month. If I still have headaches, increase Namenda to 20mg 2 x day. She gave me a few samples of namenda, a new prescription for more Namenda, a pres. for Phenergan p.o. and suppositories, Pres. for New anti-inflammatory ketoprofen and something called Relpax for severe migraines. All I can say is I hope all of this helps! I'm sick to death of all these migraines! I want them to stop!

Whew, what a day! If it hadn't been for the NP Lynn (friend of mine) I don't think I would have made it through. Got home. Checked on Mom and Dad. Everything was OK. Oh NO, I forgot to take something out for dinner!! Ahhhh!
Luckily, Mom and Dad had some left overs. Dad heated those himself! Wow!

Fed white dog and Orange cat. Orange cat came to be petted and I noticed a rather large cut on one of his back legs! Scooped him up. Brought him to the sink. Checked his leg, wow big cut, cleaned it with h2o2 (hydrogen peroxide), he growled and was unhappy but didn't fight too much. Got cut all cleaned and let him go. Then, I laid on the floor with him to pet and love him. Simon purred. I'll have to keep him inside tonight to keep tabs on that wound. Later, Winston was sitting on the sofa, let out a loud belch and vomited on the carpet!! How Lovely!!

What a Crazy Thursday!

Re-checked Mom and Dad. Cleaned carpet, of course. Then, cooked ham and eggs for dinner. After dinner, walked white dog and watched a little TV. Wow, shocker-roo, Michael Jackson died! Farah Facett too!! How sad. I loved Michael's music! He was a genius in many ways!

Later, went on the AD Message Boards to do some Peer Volunteer work. Ya know me, I love to help!

Well, it's 11:15pm and as usual I'm tired. Time to say "good night don't let the bed bugs bite."

Peace and Hope.


  1. If Orange cat gets infected you can go to a farm supply place and get some tetracycline. Our cat was torn up badly a while back and developed an infection on the neck. The wound was wide open and you could see the cords in his neck. With in a few hours of being dosed with tet he was meowing like he was going to live - again. The spot was two inches in diameter, leaking, a real mess and it closed up over a couple of weeks after many doses of tet powder. Now it is completely healed and he sticks to me like glue.

  2. John,
    Thanks for the info. but how do I find a "farm supply place?"
