Thursday, June 4, 2009

What's it like living with EOAD?

I sometimes think to myself, well, what is it like to live with EOAD? Many times my answers aren't as clear as my questions.

Well, it's like loosing myself a little at a time in bits and pieces. Like the things I did, for example my career (being and RN) I was proud of that. Now, that's gone. My spelling is gone (I have to use spell check). It's strange, I used to take pride in myself about my spelling but that's gone too. I, also, took pride in my analytical thinking skills, being able to really think things through. Look at problems and situations from many angles then figure out a good, logical solution or answer. Gone. Good crisis thinker. Gone.

It's funny, in fact, that I used to be the shrink in my group of friends. Everyone called me with their problems. I was the ONE to help them find their solutions. I would stay calm, level headed and we talk through the problems. Well, a few people still call with that but not many and not often. Why should they ? I can't really think like that anymore! Gone again. I've become a concrete awful!
I used to be fairly calm, level headed, yes, a fighter (when necessary to protect my cubs) but very much a peacemaker. Now, this demon called anger/rage that rears it's ugly head and frightens and upsets the people I love most. That really sucks!!! The meds help some but it's still their lurking......just waiting to burst out!!

Yes, I do live with EOAD everyday but everyday is different even though there are some similarities. One thing is for sure, if I don't get enough sleep, it's probably gonna be a bad day. It's, also, important to remember to take my meds and eat! Sometimes, I forget one or both of those. I know that's not good.

Strange thing is you could meet me on the street, talk with me and probably never know I have Alzheimer's disease. We're all different and function at different levels. And each day is different. Although, If you caught me on a bad day, you'd know because I couldn't hide that confusion. That confusion is too overwhelming.

Sweet Dreams.


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